Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tweet, tweet. Type, type. No one gives.

Thanks to Twitter, I literally think in complete sentences.
And not only that, I make sure it's not too long. And then I slap myself several times for doing so.
Seriously. That first sentence was a thought I had while walking around the house. Every thought is "a good tweet". Even though I don't tweet everything I think... I blog the rest. ;) No, I'm kidding. I do keep some thoughts to myself. But it's weird... Twitter. I know I'm the last blogger to whine about this, and I am going to be brief about it, but it makes us think that everyone cares.
Only, blogging started all that. Except by me--I started this knowing no one would read it, and don't expect anyone to read it, so yay. I just type things that I can't say to a person because they'd think I was nuts, and maybe some random person will like what I have to say.
Some people blog/tweet about a specific thing, others blog/tweet because they think very highly of themselves and blogging/Twitter makes them think they've established a center of importance... others blog/tweet because they're freakishly bored one night and just had to create another thing for themselves to constantly update.

Sorry! Sorry, my ass.

I always feel like I have to apologize for things I write in these blogs. But I don't. I mean, first of all, who reads them? Me, pretty much. So whatever. Second of all, I always imagine responses of people who are cynical, atheist, or both, since atheists are pretty much always cynical.
See?! Right there, I felt like apologizing. It's this stupid society we've created today where we feel like we always have to be politically correct. (I was about to apologize for going on an anti-society rant, since it's usually against my nature. And I just did. Crap.) But I really shouldn't have to apologize for it! Who remembers the first amendment in our Constitution, freedom of speech? I just get so scared reading the news on my homepage every day about this person saying something offending and another saying something about being offended, that I don't want to offend anyone! But really, how can anyone sue me over a blog post? I'm not slandering, just expressing my opinions. I mean, I am kinda paranoid sometimes, but seriously.
No one needs to apologize for thinking out loud.

Face the music (ha, ha)

So I suddenly had "15 Step" by Radiohead floating in my head this morning and I really wanted to listen to it, so I did. Then, it was in my head pretty much all day, so I started listening to it again. And again. And again.
And now I'm realizing that this song is making me think majorly, and I was totally supposed to listen to it to begin with. (It's on repeat right now.)
So this reminds me of not Divine Intervention, as you who probably think I'm all religious think, but rather to facing problems.
Because, see, when I had a song in my head, I used to think the goal was simple: get it out. So I'd listen to other music, and the song would be in my head. But then a couple of days later, it would suddenly just pop in there and just not leave. And then I'd listen to that song, and then other music, and BAM, instant cure.
I see this as an analogy to our problems: we let the furious thoughts stew in our heads, avoid the people/things that caused our problems completely, go on with our lives... but the problems aren't solved at all. So if we let the furious thoughts out, actually confront the people/things that cause our problems, and then go on with our lives, then BAM, instant cure.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

THE MOON (again)

So I found it.
About a week ago, it was there, almost full, and pretty, white, and bright.
I was really happy.
And I didn't see it tonight, but I know it's there. It's just a treat when I get to actually see it.
Like a miracle.

Surprise! The good got better!

You know what I really like? When things aren't what they seem. Not the bad kind, though. I like when things are better than they seem. The prime example? Guys.
Like I'll see this guy, and maybe meet him for a couple of seconds, and think, Dang, he's pretty awesome. And then later, I'll actually talk to him, and be like HOLY COW this kid's amazing. And that just blows me away.
Or even with people's eyes. I love how you'll totally not notice what color someone's eyes are and assume they're brown b/c from what you remember, they're just dark, and then you look closer... and they're a stunning blue, or a stunning green, or something. It's just such a nice surprise. I love it.
I have actually met a couple of guys like those who had those kinds of eyes, and that was really bad for me.
Because the first one, I thought was a dork, but then he turned out to be really sweet, and then it turned on me when he went to full-fledged jerk in a couple of years. He also had these gorgeous green eyes that I had assumed were brown until I actually looked.
The second one was way too old for me. I won't go into the details, but believe me, it was quite the age difference. He would put on a show of being a typical male jerk, but inside he was really bighearted and sweet and just all around awesome. And he had surprise eyes that I had actually thought were blue, believe it or not, but they were green.
The third one is one I'm struggling with right now. Before I'd met him, he was just a mutual friend who I knew was a nice kid. I'd seen him around, and then when I did meet him, I still hardly talked to him. But then not too long ago, we got to talking, and he turned out to be not only sweet but awesome and an intense music lover. And, oh yes, he has surprise eyes. See, he has that certain disposition that the youngest Jonas brother has where his eyes seem to be in a permanent squint, but when I actually looked at his eyes, they were this deep, sparkly blue.
Weird, huh?