Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tweet, tweet. Type, type. No one gives.

Thanks to Twitter, I literally think in complete sentences.
And not only that, I make sure it's not too long. And then I slap myself several times for doing so.
Seriously. That first sentence was a thought I had while walking around the house. Every thought is "a good tweet". Even though I don't tweet everything I think... I blog the rest. ;) No, I'm kidding. I do keep some thoughts to myself. But it's weird... Twitter. I know I'm the last blogger to whine about this, and I am going to be brief about it, but it makes us think that everyone cares.
Only, blogging started all that. Except by me--I started this knowing no one would read it, and don't expect anyone to read it, so yay. I just type things that I can't say to a person because they'd think I was nuts, and maybe some random person will like what I have to say.
Some people blog/tweet about a specific thing, others blog/tweet because they think very highly of themselves and blogging/Twitter makes them think they've established a center of importance... others blog/tweet because they're freakishly bored one night and just had to create another thing for themselves to constantly update.

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