You know that girl.
Hell, you gave birth to her. You raised her.
Therefore, that must mean that you are responsible for what she is today.
Because if you raised her, that means she learned absolutely everything from you, and therefore is a reflection of you and ONLY you.
You also know everything she wants and needs.
Yes, everything.
This is because you gave birth to her, and you raised her, and are responsible for how she is today.
Therefore, you know exactly how to take care of her. She was put into your hands by God, and so keep her in your hands you shall.
And that's the logical mantra of being a mother.
You know that girl.
Hell, you gave birth to her. You raised her.
Therefore, that must mean that you are responsible for what she is today.
The problem is that what she is today is a free-spirited, thoughtful artist type who likes to be happy.
This isn't right.
And you know what's right.
Because you know exactly how to take care of her, seeing as you raised her.
So you're going to do something about it.
She's not doing everything you've told her to.
To be fair, not everything you said was easy to do, but still.
You're her mother.
She should be listening.
She should be remembering everything you say. What's up with this forgetfulness?
She should be doing everything with a smile. Why does she get so bitter when you ask her to switch the laundry loads? She's getting older. You shouldn't have to do the laundry as much anymore. She's perfectly capable.
She should be doing well in school. She's a genius. She started reading at three years old. Why is she just doing okay? It's all this artsy stuff, you say.
She's just not like you.
She should be like you.
You gave birth to her, you raised her, and you are responsible for her character.
Therefore, she should be like you. You're the perfect example.
You've had it with that girl.
She doesn't agree with you.
She wants to study music. In your world, that's a paradox.
You want her to go to your idea of the perfect university. After all, she got in. She tells you that it's really not hard at all; that she's waiting for her idea of the perfect college to let her in.
What is this nonsense?! Why does she only want this college? Clearly, it's not right for her. You don't think it is. Therefore, it's not.
You ban her from going to her favorite college. It's just the right thing to do. So she gets upset. You don't know how she could possibly be so upset; your idea is better anyway. She hasn't even been showing any effort.
She tells you she has been trying; not as hard as she'd like to, but she is trying. You think she's lying. You haven't seen any of this supposed effort. And you know everything about her.
After all, you gave birth to her; you raised her.
Why would she dare to keep anything from you?
You didn't know that girl.
All this time you thought you did, but you didn't know her at all.
The only thing you can think is how?!
How could she possibly be your polar opposite?
You gave birth to her. You raised her. She is you! That's how the logic goes! What's wrong with this picture?!?!
The thing that's wrong with this picture is that mother-daughter relationships are not logical.
Solutions to issues are logical.
Answers to math problems are logical.
This is not a math problem.
This is not "an issue".
This is your relationship with your daughter.
This is real life.
Her mind does not work the same way yours does and never will. So if you can't understand her actions, that's okay. It's not going to be easy to wrap your mind around, but you have to be caring and loving and show her the proper way to do things.
If you'd just look at yourself from any other angle, you'd see that you're not as perfect as you think you are.
You'd realize that just paying for things after typing all day and dealing with some guy who's kind of psycho does not entitle you to then lie in bed and be waited on hand and foot, even by your incapacitated husband.
You'd realize that you put so much pressure on your kids for simply wanting them to have the best; that all you really want are some bragging rights.
Hell, you'd realize that your entire life's goal is to be the ultimate name-dropper.
You'd realize that you're not always right, and when you're not, you never apologize or take the blame; it's not them who do those things, it's you. When your husband doesn't apologize, it's because he has nothing to apologize for. When he puts the blame on you, it is because you're to blame.
You'd realize that you actually have faults! Yes, you!
You'd also realize that while you may be a "grown-up", you have certainly not grown up.
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